Tuesday, June 27, 2017

FAMU Deputy AD Elliott Charles leaves for Clemson

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Florida A&M Deputy Athletic Director
Elliot Charles is now on Clemson's staff, FAMU's athletic department confirmed Tuesday afternoon.

Charles' last day was Friday. He was hired at FAMU in January of 2016.

Athletic Director Milton Overton Jr. is now looking for a new second-in-command. He met with the department Tuesday to discuss Elliott's departure, and no progress has been made on the search yet.

Overton praised Charles' work while at FAMU. He said he hopes to have a new deputy in place before September.

"This is a great opportunity for him," Overton said. "I’ve been working with that guy for a long time. He’s known as an expert in compliance. It’s one of those great opportunities and his family. He’s got a young family, he's trying to grow his family and they offered him a lot more money.

"There are some people who believe if you come to an HBCU, you can’t advance any further. I want anyone who comes to FAMU to know that we’re going to do great things and you’re going to have great opportunities."


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