Saturday, June 24, 2017

Suspension of golf programs leaves JSU players in limbo

JACKSON, Mississippi -- Keelin Floyd is headed into her senior year at Jackson State, and while her scholarship is still good, she’s not going to get to play the game she loves.

Floyd, a member of the soon-to-be-suspended women’s golf program at JSU, said Sunday she’s upset at the department’s decision to cut the programs for budgetary reasons.

JSU athletic director Wheeler Brown said Thursday he is still trying to find a way to save the programs, but Floyd said he informed her two weeks ago the decision to suspend the programs has already been made.

Brown said the department will honor the existing scholarships, but with only one year of school and one year of eligibility left, Floyd finds herself in a veritable no-man’s land when it comes to transfer possibilities.

“It’s my senior year, and I want to play in the SWAC,” she said. “I only have a year of eligibility left, and I’d have to take two years of school to get the same degree I can get at JSU in one.”


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