Sunday, July 9, 2017

P-Rays' Brown (JSU) bearing up in transition to pros

PRINCETON, West Virginia — Princeton Rays outfielder Bryce Brown comes from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a land of unique and world-reknowned regional cuisine, Zydeco music, alligators and hoodoo folk remedies; a place where hot sauce is as ubiquitous a condiment in restaurants as salt, pepper and ketchup is everywhere else.

For many Mercer County residents, Louisiana would seem downright exotic. But if you’re from Baton Rouge, so does Mercer County.

“I like it out here ... All the mountains and stuff. I’ve never seen so many mountains and trees,” said Brown.

“I saw my first black bear the other day out on the road,” he said.

A live bear?

“No. It was dead on the side of the road. I’d never seen a black bear before,” said the 20-year-old Brown, who was picked by Tampa Bay in the 15th round of the 2017 draft.


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