Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Southern hopes to hire Roger Cador's replacement by early July; no interviews conducted yet

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- Southern athletic director Roman Banks said he would like to have a new baseball coach hired by early July — and, more specifically, "in the next two to three weeks," he said.

For now, no interviews have been held in the search for Roger Cador's replacement, but Banks said he expects to begin the process sometime next week. Banks previously said he was following no timeline to hire a coach but that he'd prefer to have it done relatively quickly.

Whoever gets the job will be charged with replacing one of college baseball's most influential figures. Cador coached the Jaguars for 33 years.

Cador agreed to stay with the athletic department as the school's director of athletics advancement, a new position that aims to take advantage of his extensive connections and fundraising skills while his replacement gets settled in.


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