Monday, August 28, 2017

'If you haven't been through it, you can't even imagine it:' Preparation goes on at Southern as its thoughts go out to Houston

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- It was only a year ago that some Southern football players sheltered their families in their apartments after historic flooding inundated Baton Rouge and the surrounding area.

It hasn’t been long, but those days will not soon be forgotten by Southern coach Dawson Odums. What his community endured last August also provided some perspective for the situation Houston now finds itself in, suffering from widespread flooding brought on by Hurricane Harvey.

“If you haven’t been through it, you can’t even imagine it,” Odums said. “Our prayers go out to all those involved.”

Some of those involved are players on his current roster.

Four players on Southern’s roster list Houston as their hometown, and a few others come from surrounding areas also at risk of flooding. They are forced to deal with the disaster from afar.

Odums had a conversation with those players Sunday.


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