Thursday, August 31, 2017

Lyles to start for JSU, but Hayes will play too

JACKSON, Mississippi -- Brent Lyles will start Saturday against TCU, but Jackson State coach Tony Hughes is hedging his bets when it comes to a long-term answer at quarterback.

Hughes said Wednesday that the game plan is for junior college transfer Jarrad Hayes to see some playing time as well.

"Whether that's in the first quarter, the second quarter or the second half, we don't know that yet," Hughes said. "We'll see what the game dictates."

At the end of the day, Lyles and Hayes got the nod over Jordan Williams and Tavis Williams because of their leadership. Both have shown the ability to command the Jackson State offense, read defenses and get their teammates lined up.

Lyles, in particular, showed in spring camp and through the fall he is ready to become Hughes' on-the-field general.

But the quarterback battle between Lyles and Hayes, and even Jordan Williams and Tavis Williams, is clearly not finished.


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