Thursday, August 24, 2017

These brothers from Miami are now kicking at two different Mississippi SWAC schools

JACKSON, Mississippi -- During the season, players from opposing teams don’t usually communicate. It’s an unwritten rule — let your play do the talking on the field.

But that doesn’t work for brothers Christian and Nicholas Jacquemin, who aren’t about to break their routine of talking every day just because the former kicks field goals for Jackson State and the latter for Mississippi Valley State.

That would make the car ride home for Christmas break pretty awkward.

“We’re really close,” said Nicholas, who goes by Nico. “We talk just about every day. We talk about how our competitions for starting spots is going, how we’re kicking and we joke around. Normal brother stuff.”

The duo had never competed in anything until they got to Mississippi.

The two brothers from Miami grew up playing on the same soccer teams, and both kicked for the same high school.


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