Monday, September 11, 2017

Jackson State's Tony Hughes uses press conference to go right at his critics

JACKSON, Mississippi -- Through his first 13 games at the helm of the program, Jackson State coach Tony Hughes had reserved his most colorful outbursts for the sidelines.

That changed Monday morning when the second-year coach used his regularly scheduled weekly press conference to respond to criticism he has seen following Jackson State's 17-15 loss to No. 24 Tennessee State Saturday night.

Head Coach Hughes - Week 3 AP3 Audio Interview

"First, to everybody who criticizes us and thinks I'm a sorry coach, I'd just like to let you know that if you like my job, you're welcome to come after it, you know where my office is," Hughes said in his opening statement. "Second thing I'd like to say is that all I've tried to do since I've been here is help this program grow and develop, and I'm responsible out of losing 13 out of 15 to Tennessee State.

"The next thing I'd like to say is that this streak of six losses to Tennessee State that started six years ago, that's all my fault because I started that too."

Hughes did not through which medium he had received the criticism, but when asked who his comments were directed at, he responded: "Just whoever out there who has an opinion that doesn't think I'm a very good football coach."


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