Friday, November 24, 2017

Hampton AD looking for 'CEO-type coach'

HAMPTON, Virginia -- In his first interview since Connell Maynor’s resignation as football coach, Hampton University athletic director Eugene Marshall offered few specifics. There was no timetable and no list of names.

But Marshall did describe the type of candidate he hopes to hire.

“We want a CEO-type coach who can run a program,” Marshall said Tuesday afternoon. “Someone who can attract or retain quality assistant coaches. We want everybody to know we want talent in the 757 to come to Hampton.”

Asked to explain what he meant by “CEO-type,” Marshall gave an example of college football’s most recognized coach.

“If you look at how Nick Saban runs his program at Alabama, he’s a CEO,” Marshall said. “And you don’t have to be at Alabama to run a program like that. We have a football program, not a football team.”


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