Saturday, December 23, 2017

Meet Aaron Ray, Southern's high-energy sixth man and biggest surprise, says coach Morris Scott

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- Specifically related to a box score, Southern coach Morris Scott knows what Southern will receive nightly from star forward Jared Sam. Points, rebounds and production that will overcrowd and cluster a stat sheet.

But to Scott, the biggest surprise of Southern's youthful and developing season is found elsewhere — and the first-year coach doesn't hesitate expressing he's proud.

"Aaron Ray," Scott said.

"I think he's really been a solid glue guy for us that can really come in and seems like every night when you look at the stat sheet, he's doing something positive."

"He's one of these guys that comes off the bench and brings with a lot of energy. Plays with a lot of effort, emotion. He's a competitor. He always wants to win."

Ray, a hyper and reliable spark as Southern's sixth man off the bench, enrolled at Southern as one of a handful of transfers Scott's program acquired during the past offseason. Hailing originally from Middleton, New York, Ray left Garden City Community College in Kansas and ventured south to Louisiana, where he now calls Southern's basketball team home.


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