Thursday, January 25, 2018

At Valley, Vincent Dancy tackles college football's hardest job

ITTA BENA, Mississippi – It’s a slow Tuesday afternoon, and Mississippi Valley State quarterback Chris Fowler is looking for a football to throw around with some teammates.

He’s come to the Archie “Gunslinger” Cooley Devil’s Den, which houses the football program’s locker, equipment and fitness rooms, as well as the coaches’ offices.

The secretary behind the counter wants to give him one, but first she needs to get in touch with the program’s equipment manager. It’s hard to get ahold of him because, for now, he’s also head of operations and recruiting.

Eventually, newly minted head coach Vincent Dancy gets back to her — of course Fowler can borrow a ball, but not one of the new ones. They’ll need those for spring camp.

What many would consider as overly frugal, Dancy sees as fiscally responsible. It’s the kind of attitude he has to adopt to be successful in arguably the hardest coaching position in the country.

Whether MVSU’s 13th head coach can rise to that challenge remains to be seen.


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