Saturday, March 31, 2018

PVAMU Panthers Hold First Spring Scrimmage

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas -- The Prairie View A&M football team held its first scrimmage of the spring Thursday morning at Panther Stadium.

"I was really pleased with it," said first-year PVAMU head football coach Eric Dooley of the approximately 60-play scrimmage. "The defense flew around, made some plays, and were stingy. That's what I was looking for. As the scrimmage got going and we got into the green zone as I like to call it, the offense made some plays, but still looking for them to be more explosive. Overall, I was really pleased with the processes on both sides of the ball. Special teams-wise, they did what they need as well, but we need to improve in the effort of blocking kicks. They have to understand there is no play off. I don't want them to think they can take that play off, as it can be a big play in the game."

Dooley likes what he has seen during the first two weeks of spring practice but is looking for continued improvement with two weeks to go before the Purple and Gold Spring Game on April 14 at 3 p.m. at Panther Stadium.

"Right now, the guys still have to continue to push through and not feel sorry for themselves in certain situations and understand what I'm looking for," said Dooley. "Overall, as always, I'm pleased but not satisfied and we have to keep working."

PVAMU football returns to practice Tuesday at 5:01 a.m.


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