Wednesday, June 13, 2018

NFL forms Campus Connection program with Howard University

L to R: Howard University School of Business Dean Barron Harvey, Ph.D., Ninuola Onatemowo, a senior accounting student from Lagos, Nigeria; Cierra Wells, a senior international business major from Montgomery County, Md., and Associate Dean
Anthony D. Wilbon, Ph.D. 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The NFL and Howard University have partnered to launch the Campus Connection program, which is aimed to give students different experiences to prepare them for future careers in professional football administration, the league announced Wednesday.

The program will kick off with the 2018 fall semester as the NFL will have a presence on Howard's campus. The two organization will host an executive lecture series, partner in a student-lab case study class and attend the Howard School of Business Sports & Entertainment Summit, according a release.

The Campus Connection partnership extends the NFL's deal from May 2016 with the MEAC and SWAC, which are two of the prominent Historically Black College & Universities (HBCU) athletic conferences. The NFL and the institutions are seeking to increase career opportunities for students and athletic administrators with this partnership.

"Campus Connection is part of our ongoing and continuous commitment to celebrating the impact HBCUs have had on the game of professional football, driving awareness around career opportunities and providing access to the business of sports," Troy Vincent, NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations, said Wednesday.

Students will now benefit from internship programs at the club and league level, integration of HBCU football operation staffs into existing NFL events like the Pro Bowl and networking or mentorship opportunities.

"Howard University and the School of Business are excited about the developing partnership with the National Football League and its potentially beneficial opportunities for both organizations," said Dean Barron Harvey, Ph.D., Howard University School of Business. "This collaboration will bring significant rewards to our faculty and students and provide them with great insight into the business of sports, while also developing skilled management professionals to meet the recruitment needs of the NFL. This NFL partnership has great potential and the School of Business is looking forward to our engagement."

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