Sunday, September 30, 2018

Nothing 'dirty' about hit that left Tennessee State football player Christion Abercrombie with a serious head injury

NASHVILLE, Tennessee --A review of the game video by Tennessee State's coaches showed that middle linebacker Christion Abercrombie was injured on a routine play in Saturday's game against Vanderbilt.

Abercrombie was able to make his way to the sideline after the play. He complained to trainers about having a headache and collapsed soon after.

The Atlanta native was rushed to Vanderbilt Medical Center where he underwent emergency surgery. He is currently listed in critical condition.

"It was just a football play," Reed said Sunday morning on his coaches radio show on WNSR 560-AM/95.9-FM. "He was taking on a block and it wasn't anything malicious or dirty or anything like that. Just an unfortunate situation."


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