Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Florida Prep School CEO Goes on Profanity-Laced Tirade, Threatens Basketball Player

Listen: Mike Woodbury, Head Coach at The Nations Christian Academy said to a player when he told him he would be transferring!

PORT SAINT LUCIE, Florida -- Mike Woodbury, the owner of a Florida private school The Nation Christian Academy, admitted to a profanity-laced tirade in which he threatened to send one of his players, Marvens Petion, back home to Haiti, and also called himself the “dirtiest, baddest motherf—– in this program.”

“Just get out of my face,” Woodbury said at the start of the more than three-minute audio clip that was posted on YouTube. “Take your broke asses – I’ll say it again – your broke asses back to the garage. I don’t want to hear from you. The bottom line … get the f— out. Just walk the f— out. I don’t give a shit. I control transcripts. I control where you go next. It could be back to Haiti, motherf—–. That’s how easy it is for me.”
“Now I control everything,” he later said in the audio. “I just want you to really know that. I’m going to f— you in your ass next time you’re out of line. I’m going to take everything from you. I’m going to end everything you’ve ever had.”
“I did that,” Woodbury told Stadium early Wednesday morning. “I own that 100 percent.”


NOTE: International Student Marvens Petion told Stadium that he is enrolled at West Oaks Academy in Orlando, Florida and has been recruited by mid-major Division I programs McNeese State and Louisiana Tech.

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