Wednesday, October 3, 2018

UDC Diversity Week Day 1 - More Than Just an Athlete

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  Sophomore Josh Sequira is a sophomore midfielder on the UDC men's lacrosse team, but he is also a Private First Class Infantry Rifleman in the United States Marine Corps Reserves.  Here, he talks about why his identity as a Marine is important to him.

By Josh Sequira

Sophomore Josh Sequira of the men's lacrosse team is also aI am more than a student-athlete, I am a Marine.

I see myself as a leader - humble, honest, and trustworthy. I earned my title, and I conduct myself as a Marine on a daily basis. "You are a Marine 24/7," is a quote I follow when making decisions. This is important to me, because I took that oath, and I stick to my word.

Honor, Courage, Commitment are the three core values of the Marine Corps that translate into my personal life. I honor the people that have had a heavy impact on my life, I have the courage to face my fears and grow as an individual, and I commit to things bigger than me to learn and grow from each experience.

I use my identity as a Marine to motivate myself and others to aspire, accomplish, and take on the world.

Once a Marine, always a Marine. I will always have the traits of a Marine once my contract is over, and once I'm no longer a student-athlete.

I am more than a student-athlete, I am a Marine.


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