Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ASU generates $901 million a year for state, study says

Montgomery, AL - Alabama State University generates $901 million and 10,500 jobs for the state each year, ac­cording to a report commissioned by the school.

Officials said the study is part of a broader push to remind the local business community of the school's growth and development over the past several years. ASU leaders hope to drum up support as they cope with state funding cuts and mull another possible tui­tion increase.

"We want this business com­munity in this region to recognize the importance of Alabama State and invest in it, and support it," said John Knight, a state repre­sentative and Alabama State's ex­ecutive vice president and chief operating officer.

The report, done by the Wash­ington Economics Group, based in Coral Gables, Fla., found the school generates $885 million for the River Region, including 9,714 jobs and $111 million in state and local taxes. University operations create an economic impact of $341 mil­lion, according to the study, and support 3,931 jobs.


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