Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Howard's going back to the future

Washington, D.C. - Interspersed with dramatic footage from the film "Transformers" are Howard football highlights. The two-minute trailer on the school's athletic website, titled the "Road to Redemption," introduces a new era of high expectations for Howard football.

When the video was shown to the Bison at the start of preseason camp, the first image that popped on screen was 11-0.

If that goal sounds preposterous for a team coming off a 1-10 season, consider the man who authored it. If anyone knows the road map to 11-0 at Howard, it's new coach Gary "Flea" Harrell. As a player, the former New York Giants wide receiver helped Howard improve from 2-9 in 1991 to 11-1 in 1993, the last time the Bison went undefeated in the regular season and won the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference.

"When I was here, [11-0] was our goal...


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