Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Miami-Dade’s high school marching bands make a joyful noise

Miami, Florida - Turns out John Phillip Sousa , the cowboy in the Village People and Lady Gaga have something in common.

All three figure prominently in South Florida high schools’ marching band’s repertoires. Sousa’s familiar march, The Washington Post, meets the disco wedding party staple, YMCA. But the combination isn’t a bad romance for the kids in the band — or the audience in the stands.

“Last year we did Lady Gaga; we did Bad Romance, and that was interesting,” says a laughing Andrea Villegas, lead drum major for the John A. Ferguson Senior High’s Mighty Falcon Band. The football team liked it, but it’s still weird listening to a marching band playing Lady Gaga.” Weird, perhaps, but don’t knock the sweet sounds of success.

Several South Florida high school marching bands are racking up honors in statewide competitions with their high-stepping blends of old and new. Some students use marching band as a platform to attend college. Many of the bands feature...


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