Monday, May 5, 2014

South Carolina Comptroller General Eckstrom need of a history lesson about S.C. State and HBCUs.

THE ISSUE: Remarks about university and future; OUR OPINION: S.C. State can be proud of its open-door mission.

COLUMBIA, South Carolina  -- South Carolina State University President Thomas Elzey says the words of S.C. Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom were misunderstood. Eckstrom says his Wednesday comments were not meant to belittle S.C. State and its students. Plenty of people disagree with both.

Amid the university’s plea for financial help before the State Budget and Control Board, Eckstrom diverted the focus and created a furor when he spoke about S.C. State and his position on support for and survival of the Orangeburg institution.

Eckstrom made the comments in expressing his hesitancy to provide the university a loan out of concerns about S.C. State’s ability to pay the money back.

“It’s servicing a student body that doesn’t have the ability to bail the university out,” Eckstrom said. “These aren’t kids that are coming from wealthy parents, from wealthy connections in the community. These are kids that are going there because they can’t get into these other schools.”

“They can’t afford it,” Eckstrom said. “So what we’re saying is the university can bail itself out?”


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