Photo: Farewell to Coach Debra Clark; we love you too, but you can't coach the Lady Rattlers to championships.
Florida A&M women's basketball coach Debra Clark had a hard time leaving the
Gaither Gymnasium court Thursday night without hugging one more player and posing for one more picture. The thrill of posting a much-needed 49-38 victory over rival Bethune-
Cookman was special. But the chance to wipe off a few tears and say good-bye to four seniors in their final home game meant so much more.
"I did cry a little bit," Clark said. "They're like my little babies.
CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE BY CLICKING ON BLOG TITLE.Coach Debra Clark has reasons to cry--just look at her record after starting the season with a 9-1 streak. Would I feel better if she started with a 1-9 record?
Heck no!
This has been one under-achieving team on the basketball court it's entire career. Exceptional students and great people, but still under-achieving players that lacked consistency and weren't coached to get better. I don't hire or fire coaches, but I sure would be looking towards Texas or a place called A&T--in North Carolina for a championship driven coach that can recruit Division I talent and coach the players to their maximum potential and 20 win seasons.
Debra Clark has shown me nothing during her career but records like 13-16, 3-13 in the
MEAC and a ton of excuses. Like Rubin Carter, her teams are giving me gas and it's not from a bowl of spicy chili gumbo. Eight game losing streaks and/or four game losing streaks will tear your insides up, if you care about Rattler basketball.
Give me a break--3-13 in the M-E-A-C! We're talking 'bout the ME-AC.
I'm crying worst than Clark and I for one, don't look forward to next year if it's going to be another repeat of the Clark and Clark horror show.
A seven year record of 100-106 (.485) at
FAMU says it all. Time for a change in coaching staff.
WANTED! Proven Division I winning coach for the Lady Rattlers program. Able to WIN
MEAC championship each year, make NCAA Tournament annually, and fill a brand new 9,000 seat on campus arena.
Let me end this on a positive note--Clark did beat those sorry
BCU Wildcats for two of her three
MEAC victories this season.
The Lady Rattlers are scheduled to play next the lowly Howard University Bison on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the
MEAC Tournament at Raleigh, N.C. The Bison are favored to stampede the Rattlers with their 4-25, 3-13
MEAC record, as the Lady Rattlers have shown the inability to hold a lead in the second half.
2007-08 MEAC StandingsTeam Conference Overall RecordNorth Carolina A&T 15-1, 23-6
Coppin State 13-3, 19-11
Delaware State 12-4, 17-13
Morgan State 10-6, 18-11
Hampton 10-6, 17-12
Maryland-Eastern Shore 10-6, 17-12
South Carolina State 9-7, 12-16
Florida A&M 3-13, 13-16
Howard 3-13, 4-25
Cookman 2-14, 6-23
Norfolk State 1-15, 5-22
Congratulations to departing senior Lady Rattlers --
Q'Vaunda Curry, Thyeis Halley, Joslyne Jackson and
Evette Young. We are very happy you are Rattlers. Thanks a million for your contributions.