The cramped field-house seats, populated mainly with coaches and athletes, had meet officials scrambling to restore order. At the time, JSU and Southern were in second and third place, respectively, but both men’s squads were ultimately disqualified from the championship. All finishes by both men’s teams were deleted, with lower finishes moved up and point totals recalculated.
“I am extremely disappointed by today’s incident,” SWAC Commissioner Duer Sharp said in a statement released Sunday evening. “Championship events are to celebrate and reward the achievements of our student athletes. Today, the actions of those involved in the altercation have not exemplified that competitive spirit of the Southwestern Athletic Conference and its member institutions. This behavior is unacceptable, and we will investigate completely before taking further disciplinary action.”
SWAC Indoor Track and Field Results
SU rides Spear, big fourth inning to 10-3 victory
SU women pull away from Alcorn
Southern blitzes Alcorn in first blowout of season
Grambling men, Alabama State women lead SWAC
Jaguars split doubleheader with Prairie View