Late Professor George W. Edwards, architect of the highly acclaimed PVAMU Marching Storm and the Black Foxes.For more than a decade, the 80-game losing streak of Prairie View A&M's football team ranked the Panthers among the worst college football teams of all time. It wasn't until 2009 that Prairie View A&M football started showing some success and the historically black college clinched its first SWAC Western Division championship in 45 years. The conference title was a fitting tribute to Prairie View A&M's legendary band director,
George Edwards, who died May 28, 2009, after a car accident in Houston, Texas.
For much of Edwards' 31 years at the school, the Marching Storm was the only reason to come out and see the football team. "During the halftime of an HBCU game, people don't go get hot dogs and cokes," said
William McQueen, who took over after his friend's death. "You do that some other time. You want to be in the stands at halftime to see the show. Football people think fans come to football games to see football. With HBCU bands, we can have all bands and still fill up a stadium."