MONTGOMERY, AL - Calling it an acclimation practice was exactly what the Alabama State University football team experienced on their first day of practice in boiling temperatures. The session was originally scheduled for 3 p.m. but was pushed back to 7:30 p.m. due to the extreme heat conditions.
"We have five days in jersey's and shorts so we can use these days to get the players acclimated to the hot weather," head coach Reggie Barlow said. "We want to be smart with the guys and give them the ability to compete when they are not so drained because of the hot weather."
A total of 93 players were on the field for the first day of practice with 45 of those being returnees. Needless to say, there were several new faces around the team as practice began and there will be a lot of evaluation to go along with the first few days without the pads.
"I am thrilled about the team we have this year," Barlow said. "We have a good mixture of young guys and a lot of older guys. We want to see what the players that were here in the spring retained from spring practice, but we also have to see how some of the new guys will be able to help us."
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